World Coffee Roasting Championships 2014

We are representing Norway in the World Coffee Roasting Championships 2014 in Rimini, Italy.

Traveling light with “Il tricolore” of Italy.

In-flight aeropressing.

It begins.

Green grading. Phase 1 complete.

Sample roasting.

Phase 2 complete. Sample coffee roasting. 8 processed samples.

Production test roasting.

Phase 5 complete. Roast plan report and production. This concludes the 2014 World Coffee Roasting Championships.

Planned cup quality: “Caramelly like roasted hazelnut and sirup, mild and mellow sweetness, tangy acidity, yellow stone fruit (warm plums) and a hint of sweet cherries.

Heat application:
“The beans will be introduced to a warm environment and immediately be reduced to a constant “pre-baking” process. It will be followed by a slow rise to reach the climax, initially applying less energy to better control the development of the acidity and sweetness, also avoiding bitterness.” “The beans will be roasted to @BT’s “Dynamic Symmetry” from his album “This Binary Universe”, 11:23.

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