Modern Slavery Disguised in Coffee Trading

KUBEN is part of the Aust-Agder museum and the IKS archive. Coffea Circulor (locally known as Torungen Kaffe in Arendal, Norway) has a permanent installment in the exhibition Slave Made which has slavery as its main theme.

In the exhibition Slave Made at Kuben in Arendal, focus is on modern slavery, which unfortunately still exists.

Demand and commodities are important concepts in the history of the transatlantic slave trade. The same concepts are also central when we address the challenges associated with modern slavery. The exhibition section that deals with slavery today - called Our slaves - is based on the UN Sustainability Goals for 2030 and it mainly highlights sub-goal 8.7.

The goal emphasizes the importance of "Taking immediate and effective measures to abolish forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking and ensure that the worst forms of child labor are banned and abolished, including the recruitment and use of child soldiers, as well as the abolition of all forms of child labor by 2025».

Among other things, slaves deal with various forms of slavery as it occurs today, and what factors make people in some countries extra vulnerable to ending up in slave-like conditions. In addition, the public is given concrete tips on how we as consumers can contribute to ending modern slavery and contributing to a righteous world.

The museum is open for public visit. Kindly view the opening hours here.

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