Guide Kalita, Orea, Wave (Flat bottom)

- Scale
- Grinder (or ground beans)
- Kettle (preferably gooseneck model, yet not nessessary)
- Brewer
- Filters
- Server (or any vessel to hold the brewed coffee)
- Spoon
Our World Brewers Cup formula 1:1:1 (One) for V60 is based on 3 components: acidity/sweetness/balance and executes in parallel with our roasting ideology rendering a symbolic result.
“1:1:1”: 20g coffee. 300g of water. 100g of 20 second pours in 3 total pours at 0:00, 1:00 and last pour at 2:00. Finish at 3:00. Adjust only grind size and water temperature.
1:1:1 (One) replicates to Kalita, Serax and Wave-based filters.
Adjust only grind size, preferably finer on Commandante, from 28 to 25.
Here, reiterated from V60, exchange only the grind particle size.
In short, visualized as:
- 20g of coffee + 300g of water
- Infusion of 100g of water for 20 seconds, concentric circle pouring.
- At 1:00 infuse with additional 100g of water for 20 seconds, concentric circle pouring.
- At 2:00 infusion with additional 100g of water for 20 seconds, concentric circle pouring.
- Target 3:00 ending time.
Our World Brewers Cup recipe, One (1:1:1), for Hario V60-01/02 with Hario VCF-01/02 filters:
- Open the sealed coffee bag/container gracefully, let the contents aerate for a few seconds, re-seal the bag one day prior to your first brew. This will enable the coffee beans to adjust to their environment after being in storage/transport.
- Rinse the VCF-filter with 93°C water. Rinse the carafe/server with hot water to expel any unwanted aromatics and flavors from the rinsed filter.
- Coffee: 20g.
- Water: 300g @ 93-95°C, TDS: 10-50 mg/l.
- 100g of 20 second pours in 3 total pours at 0:00, 1:00 and last pour at 2:00. Finish at 3:00.
- Pour by pulsing in helix formation during 20 seconds, starting from the centre, 5 revolutions per pulse. Ensure no grinds persist on the filter wall in the last pouring pulse.
- At 01:00, 02:00 and 03:00, confirm the filter bed is flat and uniform. Avoid generating cavities and craters.
- Target a TDS reading of 1.40±0.02.
- Adjust only grind size and water temperature.
- Grinding: Target 600-800μm. Example: 28 turns from the finest setting on Comandante.
- If the flow ends past each minute, adjust your grind settings to finer and respectively for slower flow.
- The recipe, technique and formula is singularly linear and time efficient. Learn more about linearly up- and downscaling our recipe here.
- We recommend a brewing temperature of 93-95°C.
- On the Comandante, 28 turns/clicks/rotations from ”zero”, 'starting from the finest’. (This assumes the Comandante is not many years old and turns can be slightly ’off’.)
- On the Kinu M47, target mid-setting, re-calibrate if your first pour is flowing too fast or slow. Fine-adjust at will.
- "Ending time" is visualized as very few drops flowing through the V60 while the flow subsides, meaning from flowing to dropping, at 0:50 after the first pour, 1:50 and 2:50 respectively.