A43coffee, Gothenburg, Sweden
"Kungsportsavenyn", also known as Avenyn among the locals, stretches from the bridge Kungsportsbron by the canal to Götaplatsen where you find the Museum of Art, the City Theatre and the Concert Hall. In addition, one of Gothenburg's premier coffee bars.
A43coffee is serving a variety of espressos and filter/drip coffees. The ambition is high - competition grade coffees are steadily represented and in addition various set of courses are offered.
We are greatful to collaborate with Coffea Circulor and their vast accumulated knowledge and professionalism - Aldrin Doudchitzky, Owner
The visitors of Classic Café is experiencing refreshments, pastries and professionally brewed coffees. There are different approaches to customer experience. The Classic Café is detailing the espresso and drip coffees with accompanying stories - a holistic approach with traceability and cultural impact is of high importance.
To have exclusive coffees in our shop is exclusive - Rashid Al Sulaiti, Owner

Coffee Dorby, Beijing, China
Coffee Dorby is a pure speciality coffee club. Both practitioners in the coffee industry or consumers of speciality coffee are speciality coffee lovers in the club.
The important essence of specialty coffee is to share and go back to the source, through good coffee and to know the roasters behind it, the manor. Constantly introducing good coffee, good roasters, good places to more people, that's what is done in the club.
Coffea Circulor is the most special roaster introduced by the our club. We recognize Coffea Circulor's ideas about the coffee industry and we hope to spread these ideas to more people - Liu Jian, Co-Owner.